Sunday, 29 November 2015

Overwhelmed with deadlines?

Are you stressed because that deadline date is fast approaching?

The mere sound of 'deadline' hums in an ominous tone, our muscles tense and send our pressure running high. However, there can still be a turn around for stressful situations like this.

 Best advise: keep clam and be realistic with the amount of time you have left, and the amount of work  you have to get done.

Panicking will not help the situation, so your best chance of success  is to gather your thoughts, put yourself in a positive frame of mind, and review your plan to get assignments done.
Treat each task as a project, with time being your most valuable resource.

Take back control of your time!!!


  1. This is me for all my final exams, I'm usually really stressed out. But like you said, panicking never helps!

  2. Drinking a glass of red wine calms my nerves...

  3. Prioritizing tasks by importance and implications also helps...

  4. Prioritizing tasks by importance and implications also helps...
