Friday, 11 December 2015

Having problems to fall asleep?

Here are 5 surprising food that will help you fall asleep easily:

1. Mozzarella cheese- is loaded with an amino acid that prompts your body to produce more of the feel-good chemical serotonin, which ultimately helps you chill out and doze off. Who knew?

salmon2. Salmon-One recent study found that getting 600 mg of omega-3 fatty acids per day helped people sleep nearly an hour longer and wake up 7 fewer times throughout the night. 
Read More:

3. Almonds - A handful delivers almost 20% of your daily magnesium, which can relax your muscles and help you feel calmer, so your mind isn't racing when your head hits the pillow.
Read more:

oatmeal4. Oatmeal-  has a good source of the sleep-promoting hormone melatonin,  it's loaded with carbs that'll make you feel sleepy anyway, you might be conked out before you even finish eating a bowlful.

5. Bananas - These starchy fruits are rich in magnesium as well as potassium, another potent muscle relaxer. Plus, like mozzarella and almonds, they deliver plenty of grog-promoting tryptophan. Best of all, they satisfy that near-universal urge to eat something sweet before bed.


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